Landscape Specification Guidelines

LCA’s nationally recognized Landscape Specification Guidelines provide green industry professionals with the most up-to-date research and techniques used in the landscape industry, in a convenient digital format. Written with landscape contractors, landscape architects, designers, and property managers in mind, this go-to resource:

  • Serves as a reference for specifying, installing, and maintaining quality landscape projects.
  • Promotes horticulturally sound principles and best practices.
  • Is used by property managers and landscape architects to create bid specs when hiring.

The guidelines are divided into eight parts, available for purchase separately or as a whole.

View the Table of Contents for each section:

Part 1: Exterior Landscape Installation
Part 2: Exterior Landscape Maintenance
Part 3: Interior Landscape Installation and Maintenance
Part 4: Irrigation
Part 5: Non-Tidal Wetland Planting
Part 6: Seeding and Sodding
Part 7: Soils
Part 8: Tree Preservation

Save 10% when ordering five or more sections



Also available for Kindle.