Select Your Member Type

Membership Categories


Any person, firm, partnership, or corporation actively engaged in landscape installation, maintenance, design, or consulting.



grossed under $250K/year



grossed $250K-$1M/year



grossed $1M-$3M/year



grossed over $3M/year



An individual, firm, partnership, or corporation that supplies products or services to the landscape industry but does not engage in the competitive practice of landscape contracting.



Branch Membership

Available to members who have more than one location. Branch will be listed in membership directory and will receive all mailings. Branch memberships must be in addition to a Regular, Supplier, or Affiliate membership.

$140 (per branch)



Any organization that is involved in or related to the landscape industry but does not provide competitive landscape services or projects (e.g., municipality, grounds department, public gardens).



Educational Institution

Reserved for any school or department of higher learning providing educational courses for the greater landscape industry and horticulture.




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